How Does PRP Work for Women’s Hair Growth?
The PRP or platelet rich plasma procedure works by stimulating the hair follicles, scalp, and skin to encourage dormant strands of hair to surface. PRP treatment also stimulates failing or very weak hair follicles to be more productive. Women often present with fine tiny strands of hair that break off and don’t have any thickness. Platelet Rich Plasma encourages these hair follicles to produce healthy vibrant hair once again. Additionally, PRP Treatment for thinning hair helps to minimize miniaturization; thinning of hair strands due to weakening follicles. Thicker hair strands, stronger producing follicles and revived dormant follicles presents a fuller, richer, healthier, more voluminous look.*
At the start of the procedure, Dr. Morgenstern or one of his team members draws a small amount of the patient’s blood. The blood is spun twice in a special centrifuge in order to extract its nutrient-rich platelets. The plasma is then fortified with the very concentrated platelets (platelet rich plasma) and prepared for injection. After administering a local anesthetic to prevent discomfort, Dr. Morgenstern injects the healthy mixture across the patient’s scalp. Women who receive PRP therapy experience no major side effects.
Palpable results are typically seen within four weeks.* Dr. Morgenstern’s Gold Standard Treatment Protocol consists of three treatments approximately four to six weeks apart and includes topical micro-needling treatments to the scalp. Because many physicians have reported improved hair regeneration with ongoing PRP treatment, women often return for a series of treatments followed by another series or intermittent treatments.
For most female patients, invasive hair restoration surgeries have delivered historically low performance; this safe and natural alternative can be a life-changing. In fact, PRP’s stimulation of enhanced scalp blood flow and possible recruitment of hair follicle stem cells has produced significantly better outcomes in women than other previous treatment options.*